Welcome to the Start-up-Radar of V.E.R.S. Leipzig GmbH

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rund um die Versicherungsbranche

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About us

Since 2016, start-ups, i.e. young, digitally oriented companies that are pushing onto the market with new business models and want to digitize and revolutionize entire industries, have been experiencing a real hype. This development has not stopped at the insurance industry either: over the last few years, the market has produced a whole series of start-ups that have settled around the insurance industry - so-called InsurTechs. With our Start-up-Radar we take a close look at this market and always offer you an up-to-date systematic overview of the start-ups and the innovative developments in the industry. This enables well-founded analyses of the most important players, their business models and performance promises. Our radar not only records companies in German-speaking countries, but also identifies worldwide developments and trends within the start-up scene.

Using the navigation bar you can choose between the categories Market Overview, Canvas and Porter. The market overview provides an alphabetical list of the InsurTechs as well as the possibility to cluster according to business models. The sections Canvas and Porter use the Canvas business model and the Porter value chain to classify InsurTech's business management. Our downstream database also allows you to directly compare well over 100 criteria between start-ups. This opens up the possibility of individual and accurate research that corresponds to your personal search criteria.

We wish you a lot of fun and a maximum of knowledge gain when using our start-up radar.

Your project team of V.E.R.S. Leipzig GmbH